Grand Expert

Hordienko Volodymyr

(Гордієнко Володимир)

Address: town of Svatove, Luhansk oblast
Phones: +380672720487

Brief information: Hordienko Volodymyr has 38 years of experience in beekeeping, he has higher beekeeping and agronomical education. The household comprises 120 colonies of bees. The beekeeper is a member of the non-governmental organization "Bakfast Ukraine".

Product assortment:

1)    sorts of honey: acacia, may, steppe motley grass, sunflower, comb capping honey (such honey has very curative properties. It has 10-20 times as much lysozyme ferment, which is a powerful activator of immune system).

2)    Bee-packages.

3)    Bakfast F1 queens, artificially inseminated queens. Selection of queens for breeding is held only after one or two years duration test for winter hardiness, security to illnesses, swarming or melliferous capacity.