Grand Expert

Vehovanets, Shchedrynska

(Вехованець Олександр Іванович та Щедриньска Галина Юріївна)

Phones: +380509835517

Vehovanets Oleksandr, Shchedrynska Halyna

Contact details: village of Varvarivka, Kreminskyiraion, Luhansk oblast

Brief information: Vehovanets Oleksandr is a private enterpriser in the sphere of trade. He began his business in 1992. Oleksandr’s experience in beekeeping is more than 25 years. Nowadays Oleksandr with his partner Halyna has more than 50 colonies of bees and gathers 2 tons of honey. The beekeepers are members of non-governmental organization “Beekeepers association of Luhanshchyna “MedovaArtil”

Product assortment: sunflower, motley grass honey, pollen, bee bread, propolis, honey, restorative drinks